
Life in Hell

Life in Hell: Eternal Punishment. Fate of the Sinners (Life after Death Book 2)


Life is a journey from Allah (SWT) to Allah (SWT), and the best return is when he is pleased with us.

And the journey afterlife is beautiful if you are a good Muslim, but it's scary and painful for the one who is the rejecter of the words of Allah and the teaching of our beloved prophet (saw).

In this book, the reader will go through the journey of a bad soul from the beginning to its last place; in between the scary, horribly and painful things he experiences from the first day in the grave to the Day of Judgment, the questioning, the scale, the bridge and more.

You will read how a person ends up in hellfire, the punishments from the Quran, and our Prophet's authentic sunnah (saw).

Joyful and beautiful adventure. It will take you to landscapes never seen before!

Dr. Iftekhar Ahmed Shams


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